Congratulations, President Barack Obama !! This is what you deserve from the people around the world who love peace and who condemn terrorism. The whole credit always goes to the Leader and his brave Team. Both deserve attention and respect from the entire world. A good job is done!! The whole team under him deserves kudos for the end of Osama Bin Laden. Barack Obama truly deserved the Nobel Prize conferred on him. This is only the beginning of the end of terrorism. And of course, a very important beginning. Only 40 minutes and 40 commandos and the whole job got done so well. What a feat? What an achievement? This goes without saying that what President Bush couldn’t do, President Obama could do. This is the differentiation. This is what is called leadership with a difference. This is the leading edge. There are two kinds of leaders. One is the leader who demands respect. Two, the leader who commands respect. The brave President Obama falls in the category of leaders who command respect. This type of leadership creates a pull factor and it does not believe in the push factor. This is what is called charisma. The whole of the USA must be celebrating this victory. And why not?
In India, we celebrate the festival of “Dussehra” in memory of the event of “Ravana” being killed by “Rama”. This festival is being celebrated in India as a metaphor for the victory of the “Good” over “Evil”. And this good and evil are there in every human being in some form or the other. And to me, metaphorically, “Rama” means an enlightened “Ravana”, and “Ravana” means an unenlightened “Rama”. They are two sides of the same coin. They are two polarities of the same phenomenon. And the path to “Enlightenment” is a journey of moving from one end of the polarity to the other end of the polarity. And in the experience of “Oneness”, all the polarities are dissolved.
All the peace-loving people and all those who condemn violence and terrorism around the world must celebrate this victory. This is an important achievement and President Barack Obama deserves a second term on this account. Indian Leadership should take note of this important and positive development in the history of positive efforts in eradicating terrorism and learn to take such brave decisions to prove the leadership that commands respect and deserves respect. The USA has been very successful in getting their most wanted. What about India getting her most wanted?
nice post i agree with you........
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