Leadership: How many types of Leaderships?

Everyday Zen

We discuss here Three Leadership Types:

Business Leadership

What is that ambition which does not give you advancement? What is that desire which does not move you towards divinity? What is that challenge which does not create consciousness? What is that energy which does not lead you towards enlightenment? What is that passion which does not give you compassion? What is that greed which does not become God? What is that money which does not give you Moksha? What is that Dollar ($) which does not lead you to Dhamma? What is that number which does not give you Nirvana? And what is that business which does not lead you to Buddhahood?

Social Leadership

And the whole system should eventually move towards an open, transparent, and virtual democratic system so that even a common man can have an access to the whole system without any hassles and costs. All the above three, that is, the cosmic universe, the social universe, and the individual universe are interrelated, interconnected, and interdependent. It is time to think, ponder, and contemplate what kind of a social universe we wish to have? And the activation of this change is a determinant of our Social Leadership.

Spiritual Leadership

And the whole system should eventually move towards an open, transparent, and virtual democratic system so that even a common man can have an access to the whole system without any hassles and costs. All the above three, that is, the cosmic universe, the social universe, and the individual universe are interrelated, interconnected, and interdependent. It is time to think, ponder, and contemplate what kind of a social universe we wish to have? And the activation of this change is a determinant of our Social Leadership.

Business Leadership
Social Leadership
Spiritual Leadership

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