Learning Leadership Lessons !!

How to choose a Leader? What is true Leadership? These are daunting tasks in life. Life is a continuous opening of opportunities. It throws open before us ample choices. And leadership is also one such choice. It is in fact a choice-less choice. Choosing things sometimes in life is as difficult as choosing leadership. First and foremost thing about leadership is that it is a great responsibility. It is being responsive and responsible. Leadership is not possible in isolation and, therefore, it has a great meaning only in context and relation. How to choose leadership is a basic question? Let us ponder on these alternatives and possibilities. Responsive leadership is better than reactive leadership. Proactive leadership is better than reactive leadership and responsive leadership. Balanced and total leadership is far better than reactive, responsive, and proactive leadership. Enlightened Leadership is a leadership of transcendence. It simply means that there are no more divisions. It emerges out of immense responsibility and freedom. 

The greatest example of leadership and follower-ship is of the Sun and the Sunflower. Just look and observe the sunflower very patiently. The sunflower moves around itself 360 degrees facing the Sun in absolute sync with the movement of the Sun. In the evening when the sun is set, the sunflower is also set and bow down its face. The whole phenomenon is as if the Sun and the Sunflower are both going to bed and take rest so that they are back again fresh and energetic for the next day’s journey. The whole relationship is that of trust and transparency. It is a relationship of shared vision and shared sensitivity.

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