Newton’s Laws and Spirituality

The third law of Newton says that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. And this is immediate and instant. This means that for every force there is a reactive force that is equal in size but opposite in direction. And all this is again objective and material.

Let us look into the law of spirituality. When you do good, you feel good. And when you do bad, you feel bad. And this too is immediate and instant. And this is individual and subjective. And this is spiritual. I can not force my good and my bad on the other. You may feel bad when you hurt your son or daughter for no reason at all. You may later on feel guilty for this behavior. You may repent for this action. You may rethink all this. And this experience can have a transforming effect. This is subjective and individual. And all this depends on an individual’s empathy-neurons and sensitivity.

One of the best presidents of America, Abraham Lincoln, says, “When I do good, I feel good; when I do bad, I feel bad. That’s my religion”. This may be a religion to him. But the same may not be true for others. This is individual and subjective. We can not force this on humanity. This has to be spiritual. Because each one has to learn and earn this. This depends on an individual’s sensitivity.

We can only force on humanity the laws of the land. And a law is not love. When there is no love, the law is needed. And when there is love, there is no need for any law. And love is a higher law. Love is a supreme law. The love of the divine is supreme. Buddha called this Dhamma. Love is God and God is love. And this is spiritual. Buddha says, “Es Dhammo Sanantano”. This is the ultimate law. And this law is eternal. This law is universal.

The above law is like the law of Karma. Karma means doing. Doing means an action. Even non-action means doing and is an action. And every action has a consequence. And every individual is responsible for the consequences of his action. The consequences can be either immediate or some time later. Nobody knows when. And nobody can predict. It is uncertain. And the consequences can be either good or bad. And good and bad are relative things. What is good to me need not be good to you. And what is bad to me need not be bad to you. And what is good to one society may be bad to the other. All this is again individual and subjective.

Let us again look into the second law of Newton spiritually. Let us presume that every individual who is a unit of mass becomes spiritual like that of Krishna, Buddha, Jesus, Mahavira, Krishnamurti, Osho, etc. Now just imagine the spiritual force and spiritual power on the earth!! Can you just imagine what will happen if this spiritual power becomes a social power?

Can we reckon this spiritual power as a social power? The whole planet earth would be a heaven then. Otherwise, the third world war is not very far. The survival of the toughest and fittest is an old adage. The survival of the wisest has to be a new adage. We have to move from the Dark Age to an Enlightened Age. And all this can only be by our choice. And all this can only be by design and not by default. And spirituality is that path to reckon the inner design. And only the inner design can lead you to peace and bliss.

Can we reckon this spiritual power as a social power? The whole planet earth would be a heaven then. Otherwise, the third world war is not very far. The survival of the toughest and fittest is an old adage. The survival of the wisest has to be a new adage. We have to move from the Dark Age to an Enlightened Age. And all this can only be by our choice. And all this can only be by design and not by default. And spirituality is that path to reckon the inner design. And only the inner design can lead you to peace and bliss.

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