Ah, Didi, You Did It !!

At last you did it Didi. The nation is proud of this. Every Indian has the right to know everything about Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose. After all the freedom movement belongs to Bapuji and Netaji and many others. The people of this nation are proud of these heros. Since my childhood like many others I was very curious to know all about Netaji but somehow the truth was hidden from the public by the vested interests. Nobody can hide the truth for very long. The intrinsic nature of truth is to surface and become public. Nobody can make it private and classified. It is like an volcanic eruption. It is slowly gathering momentum and waiting for a right moment to erupt. It is better not to put a lid over these things. Just imagine how many time bombs of seeking information and truth on many issues may be lying with the governments all over the world. Please remember that there is an expiry date to all these. And one fine day they will all erupt. It is the people who make the nation. And these people choose their leaders to safeguard the interest of the nation. And few bad leaders instead of safeguarding this interest they create a trust deficit. Let us take the Political Leadership and Social Leadership of this country and the world to the next level.

We always say that the parliament or an assembly is like a temple. The consciousness and conscience of the assembly and parliament is sacred and pure. But this is not true always. The parliament or an assembly is a fictitious entity. It is not a human being and hence can not have a soul. And hence there is no question of a conscience and consciousness. The spirit of the parliament or an assembly or any body or organization for that matter depends on the spirit of their members. Everything depends on the spirit of the individual and collective members. Therefore, the individual and collective consciousness of the members is of utmost importance. And sadly the statistics talk of a very sad state of affairs. According to the latest statistics around 31% of the assembly members and parliament members have criminal records. And the trend is increasing. In a true democracy the collective conscience and consciousness of the people should prevail. And the people of the nation should continuously strive and struggle to bring down this percentage. And this is possible only while they are choosing their representatives and leaders. They should think 100 times before choosing a representative or a leader who has a dubious and criminal background. They should banish the leaders whose reputation is soaked in corruption and criminal records.

Now what does the declassification of all these 64 files on Netaji mean to the nation? It only means that we all will come to know some more truth on Netaji, though after 70 long years. The family members of Netaji will also come to know some more truth on Netaji for the first time. This is very sad. The family members have also been kept far away from the truth. These 64 files is only a partial truth. There are still many files with the central government. The word “Government” is a misnomer. How can you govern the people who elect you as their representatives and leaders? Any government has to be a servant of the people. This is a sheer common sense. We have to come out with a different name. Let the people of the nation ponder over this. The second and the most important thing is that the people will be able to know for the first time the real heroes and real villains of the freedom movement. With all these secret files being open in the public domain, some old freedom movement heroes may turn out to be villains and some who may be perceived as villains will be known as heroes. Nobody can hide the truth. This is not in the nature of things. The nature of nature is to reveal the truth. “Seek, and ye shall find”, says Jesus Christ. “Tamasoma Jyotirgamaya (Move from Untruth to Truth)”, say the Upanishads. Oh people, let the truth prevail.

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