Art of Surfing on the Thought Waves of the Ocean of the Mind

An ocean is really a unique phenomenon. You may approach the ocean from any side and the other side is not visible. We can only see the horizon. From whichever side you approach, the other side is visible only as a horizon. This is the uniqueness of the ocean. The only option we then have is to jump in or dive in. This is the only option. And then anything can happen. One can get drowned or swim through or float in the ocean. This is the probability. These are the possibilities. In an uncertainty there are many possibilities.

Have you seen the surfers in an ocean? The surfers are very extraordinary people. They have the knack of surfing on the waves of the ocean. They play with the waves. They never get drowned. They always float and surf over the waves. This is the art they master over the years.

The mind is also like an ocean. And the thoughts are like the waves in that ocean. And meditation is more like the art of surfing on these waves of thoughts. When the thought waves are negative there is lot of turbulence in the ocean. The ocean of the mind becomes chaotic. The meditator requires more energy. And the throughput is less. He has to work hard. He has to struggle more. The challenges are more. The ocean of the mind is more windy. And when the thought waves are positive the meditator is not required to work hard. The ocean of the mind is less turbulent and less chaotic. And surfing on these positive thought waves requires less energies. The secret is the same. It is doing more with less. The energy required is less and the throughput is more. We can do more with positive thought waves. And we do less with negative thought waves. And we can do even more when the ocean of the mind is silent. A silent mind is a blissful mind, and it can do even more. In a silent ocean of the mind the waves of thoughts have disappeared. The thought waves have become one with the ocean. The ocean of the mind has attained to stillness and tranquility. There is absolutely no turbulence in the ocean. The throughput and the work done by the blissful mind is even far greater. These are the three situations - negative mind, positive mind, and blissful mind.

It is said by the psychologists and neurologists that the normal human beings use only 7% of their mind. A person like Albert Einstein uses some 13% of his mind. And a person like Buddha uses 100% of the mind. The key is who is the master and who is the servant, and who uses whom. The mind uses you or you use the mind. The surfer uses the surfing board. The surfing board does not use the surfer. And this is the key to surf on the waves of the ocean. Meditation is more like surfing in the ocean. The surfing board is like a meditation tool. This allows us to surf on the thought waves in all the three situations. When we use the mind, we become the Master. And when the mind uses us, the mind becomes the Master. Buddha is only a Master of his own mind. He is a great surfer in the ocean of his own mind. He has the Mastery to share the secrets of this surfing on the thought waves of the ocean of one’s own mind.

The thought waves in the mind create three dimensions of the mind. A thought is like an object in the space of a mind. And this thought object has three dimensions. When the thought objects move in the past, it is one dimension. It is the dimension of memory. It has already happened. The past has already happened. It is only available as a reference. At the most we can have a reference and can draw an inference for the present and the future. This dimension is called the Rajas. In the same way the thought waves can also move into the future. This is the dimension of imagination. This is the second dimension. This dimension is called the Rajas. This is a dimension of imagination. We can imagine anything. There are no limits to our imagination. And all imagination is in the future. This future has yet not happened. It is yet to happen. Rajasa is the length of the thought object, and Tamas is the width of the thought object. If Rajas is X-Axis then Tamas is Y-Axis. Tamas can also mean inertia. It can also mean backward action. It can also mean a negative action. It can mean a reactive action. It can mean a response. Rajas means motion. It can also mean an acceleration. It can mean looking into the future. It can mean a forward action. It can mean a positive action. It can mean a proactive action. If Tamas is inaction then Rajas is action. If Tamas is inertia then Rajas means motion. If Tamas is motion then Rajas means acceleration. This is how these two dimensions have to be understood. There is also a third dimension of this thought object. It is the height and depth of the thought object. It is on the Z-Axis. It is always in the middle of the two. No matter where the two dimensions are, the third dimension is exactly in the middle. This is the symmetry. It is always in the center of the two. If the Tamas and Rajas are on the circumference of the circle then Satva is the center of that circle. Satva is like a golden mean of the two. This third dimension is called the Satva. This is the third dimension of the thought object. If Tamas means inaction and Rajas means action then Satva means stillness. It is an equilibrium or a balance of both. If Tams means motion and Rajas means acceleration then Satva means dynamic equilibrium. If Tams means past and Rajas means future, then Satva means the present. If Tamas means Non-Doing and Rajas means Doing then Satva means Being. If Tamas and Rajas are becoming then Satva is being. These three dimensions of the thought object create a mind universe. The fourth dimension is the space and time of the mind universe. Therefore, the mind universe is a space-time object of thoughts. When the thoughts move in the past, in the memory then the mind moves in the past. And the mind moves in the state of the Tamas. And when the thoughts move in the future, in the imagination then the mind moves in the future. And the mind moves in the state of the Rajas. And when the thoughts move in the present the mind attains to stillness and tranquility. In the present the mind attains to the state of stillness and tranquility. And this how the mind moves in the state of Satva. And all these three dimensions of the thought object give the mind all the perspectives of time. According to Albert Einstein the space and time are relative. They are there only in relation to each other. They are not absolute. None is absolute, neither space nor time. A moving object is time. A moving time is space. If there is no object, then there is no space and no time. This is the state of nothingness. There are no thought objects in nothingness. There is no matter of the mind in nothingness. The mind is there because of the matter of thought objects. In nothingness there is timelessness or eternity. In a state of Dukkha (in a state of trauma or unhappiness) the time does not pass quickly. It appears that the time passes slowly. And in a state of Sukha (in a state of pleasure or happiness) the time passes quickly. It appears that the time passes very fast. In a state of Tamas the time passes very slowly. In a state of Rajas the same times passes very quickly. And in a state of Satva the same time becomes eternity. It appears as if there is no time. And we desire more and more such times or moments. And such time is available only in the present. The present gives us the experience of timelessness. It is such a blissful state. And we all are eagerly awaiting for such states. And such states give us a feeling of transcending our minds. It appears as if we have been transported into a new world which has no borders. We enter into a space which is unbounded. This is the state of a Being. This is that blissful state. It requires very less energy to do more. It requires almost no energy to do more. And in this state we always do more with less. Less ego and more Energy. Less Energy and more Enlightenment. Less money and more business. Less input and more output. Less work and more productivity. Less capital and more enterprising. These are the applications of this art. The art of meditation and mindfulness has lot of applications. This is really a wonderful art. All doing becomes a play. It becomes a leela. There is no doer and there is no doing, and there is only a pure being. And this is not a memory, and this is not an imagination. This is real. This is experiential. And this is existential.

In the Hindu Mythology, Brahma is depicted with four heads. Brahma represents the whole creation. And his four heads represent the four dimensions of the creation. Brahma represents a four-dimensional universe. Brahma also means our mind universe. The mind has to be ever expanding and ever evolving. Our mind universe has to continuously evolve to transform and transcend.

In the physical world of matter, the matter and energy are inter-convertible. Matter can be converted into energy and energy can be converted into matter. And one form of energy can be converted into another form of energy. And this is experimental and physical. The energy can be measured and quantified. And Albert Einstein’s theory of objective reality (E equals MC Square, E = MC^2) is of immense help. But at the center of a black hole this theory dies and it gives us no clue as to what may be happening in a black hole. Michio Kaku is a great scientists. He is also a string theorist. He tries to apply the above equation of Albert Einstein to a black hole. And when he solves the equation, he gets a series of zeros and infinities. And he thinks that there is a fundamental flaw in Albert Einstein’s theory of objective reality.

The existence is not only an object but also a subject. There are many objects and also a subject. The object and subject are separated by the mind. The prism of the mind divides the object and the subject. The object and the subject are not two different things. Therefore, in existence there is a objective reality and a subjective reality. There is an objective relativity and a subjective relativity. The mind universe is made of thought objects. And only a subjective theory of relativity can help to transform and transcend this mind universe.

In a subjective theory of relativity the Thought Energy and Consciousness are also inter-convertible. And Consciousness is neither a matter nor an energy. And hence it can not be measured and quantified. It is not experimental. It is experiential and existential. And I am giving an equation of the subjective theory of relativity. And this equation is represented by C equals EM Square, C=EM^2. Where C means Consciousness, E means Thought Energy, and M means a constant of Meditation or Mindfulness. The art of Meditation or Mindfulness has the power to transform the Thought Energy into Consciousness. And this is not a memory. This is not an imagination. This is not experimental. This is experiential. This is existential. This is not in the past. This is not in the future. This is in the present. And this is just now. It is here and now.   

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